Pregnancy: 10signs of pregnancy

10signs of pregnancy

 The 10signs of pregnancy: Nausea and vomiting are very common in the early stages of pregnancy, and is usually called as “morning sickness.” But why are these tummy-turning symptoms referred described as morning sickness? It turns out that, while pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting can occur at any time of day, the symptoms typically occur shortly after awakening.

Scientists cannot determine why, but studies suggest that hormonal changes in early pregnancy may cause morning sickness.During the first phase, a person’s reproductive hormone levels rise significantly. One hormone, called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), may be directly responsible for the nausea associated with morning sickness. “We think that this hormone has a link with pregnancy sickness because it is usually during the first stage when this hormone is produced that women feel the most nausea,” she went on to say. However, it is unclear how hCG causes the queasiness.

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  1. 10signs of pregnancy ?

Motherhood is a beautiful experience, but it does not without challenges and surprises. As you anticipate the potential of a new life growing inside you, your body begins to communicate in its own way, leaving you confused, excited, and sometimes quite overwhelmed.


  1. Delay in periods: The classic alert indicator that typically sets the pregnancy radar off. A missed period indicates that something a new life may be brewing within.
  2. Nausea and Morning Sickness: The dreaded morning sickness! But let’s be honest: it doesn’t only happen in the mornings. It’s more like an inappropriate guest who can show up at any time of day, as it mostly  happens in morning that is why it is called as morning sickness.Nausea is other common symptom of pregnancy as the female undergo hormonal changes so nausea becomes common.requent Urination: Your bladder appears to have gained a mind of its own, leaving you wondering whether you should just set up camp in the bathroom. Pregnancy is great at testing your patience, especially when it comes to toilet breaks, dont be nervous these all changes will be normal after partiuration.
  3. Food Cravings and apathy: Pickles and ice cream suddenly seem like a perfectly logical dinner combination. Your taste buds may experience a rollercoaster ride, alternating between wanting unusual food and disliking the ones you’ve ever liked.
  4. Mood swings: Your emotions can be like a raging sea, with waves of happiness, anxiety, and everything in between crashing on the boundaries of your conscience. Blame those hormone changes for turning you into a surprisingly complex emotional unit.Sensitivity to odor.Your once-favorite perfume suddenly smells like hell, and the aroma of cooking can send you screaming to the hills – or at least to the nearest window for some fresh air.
  5. Heartburn and indigestion: Even if you’ve never had heartburn or indigestion before, your digestive system can deteriorate and you may experience an unpleasant sensation. All this is due to the mixture of hormones that is circulating in your body.
  6. Dizziness and fainting: Have you been feeling lightheaded lately? Pregnancy can induce changes in blood pressure and circulation, which can result in dizziness or fainting. Take it slowly and steadily, especially when getting up from a lying or sitting position.
  7. Constipation -Your digestive system may slow down, causing you to feel lethargic. Constipation during pregnancy is a typical phenomenon, due to hormones that relax the muscles, including your intestines.
  8. Headaches:  Head is another common symptoms of pregnancy it happen due to hormonal changes may trigger headaches or migraines in some women.
  9. Mild cramping or tingling in the lower abdomen can occur when the uterus develops and the ligaments stretch to accommodate the growing fetus.
  10. Excessive thirst: Increased blood volume and hormonal changes might cause feelings of dehydration and thirst.

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