Diabetics: Must know what to eat and what to avoid(diabetic diet chart)

If your worried about the diabetic diet chart and still wondering what to eat and what to avoid, then you are at the right place.Diabetes is a long-term medical disorder marked by high blood glucose (sugar) levels. The body uses glucose as its main energy source, and insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, aids in controlling blood glucose levels.

Diabetics diet chart

Type 1 Diabetes:

This condition arises when the immune system unintentionally targets and eliminates the pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin.

Type 2 Diabetes:

In type 2 diabetes, the body either stops producing enough insulin to keep blood glucose levels within normal ranges or develops a resistance to the effects of insulin.

Gestational diabetes:

Gestational diabetes is s a form of the disease that develops when the body is unable to manufacture enough insulin to fulfill the demands of pregnancy. Usually, it goes away after giving birth.

vegetable chart for Diabetic patients

Vegetable chart

This diabetic diet chart (vegetable chart) is prepared by taking the advice form medical expertise .As we know diet plays an important role in controlling the diabetes. Prevention is always better then cure We will examine which veggies are suitable for people with diabetes, which ones should be avoided, and simple techniques to increase the amount of vegetables in your diet.

Vegetable Benefits
leafy vegetables ( spinach, cabbage, broccoli,kale ) LOW GLYCEMIC VALUE,RICH IN MINERALS AND VITAMINS LIKE VIT C,K
Legumes chickpeas,lentils , beans
Tomato Rich in lycopene and vitamin c But should not be taken at daily basis as it contains natural sugars
carrots Having High nutrition value But moderation is important
sprouts High in fibers , Antioxidants ,also minimise blood sugar level
Mushrooms, Responsible to control blood suger level

Fruit chart for diabetic patient

Diabetic diet chart

Including these fruits in the diet can help control blood sugar levels and supply vital nutrients. But controlling portion sizes is crucial, and diabetics should keep an eye on how different fruits affect their blood sugar levels. For individualized nutritional advice, speaking with medical specialists or registered dietitians is advised.

Fruits Benefits
kiwi Antioxidant, Rich in fibres , regulation blood suger
cherries Regulates blood sugar level as it contains Anthocyanin
Berries like strawberry Rich in vitamins , antioxidants, and low glycemic value
Apple Rich in fibers ,
Avocados Rich in vitamins and minerals, low glycemic value, also contains healthy fats
pear, peaches low sugar content,vit. C(peaches) High in fibers

Food Items you Must avoid if you are diabetic patient

According to Medical expertise, the following vegetables should be consumed in moderation

    1. Potatoes

    1. Sweet potatoes

    1. Butternut

    1. Yams

    1. Sweetcorn

    1. Vegetable juice (if concentrated with sugar preservatives)

Sodas and Sugary Drinks:

Due to their high sugar content, beverages like ordinary soda, fruit juices with added sugar, energy drinks, and sweetened teas can quickly raise blood sugar levels.

Candies & Sweets:

Diabetic causing sweets

This group comprises confections with little to no nutritional value that are high in refined sugar, such as chocolates, cookies, cakes, pastries, and candies.

Hidden sugars
Hidden sugars are frequently included in processed foods including bottled sauces, canned soups, packaged snacks, and salad dressings. It’s important to look for components like cane sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and other sweeteners on nutrition labels.

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